Monday, March 27, 2006

4 pounds 50.5 to go

I've now lost 4 pounds. It probably would have been more, see, I did really well all week, that is until the weekend. The boys spent the night at my sisters on Friday, so Rob and I went out to eat. We ate Mexican. It was YUMMY!!! I love the chips. At any rate, we only had 1 serving of the chips (which is good for us) and I ate my usual Chimi's. They were so good. The problem was we ate at like, 10PM. Then Saturday we took the boys to the movies, and got popcorn. That we don't usually do, but my sister and her family were there so we split the cost. It was just fabulous. Yesterday I did okay though, I had to try harder because of Fri. & Sat.

A new week. Let's see how it goes.

I think I've decided to set smaller goals. Like 10%, 20% and so on. Now to decide the rewards for them. Any ideas?

See, I hoping that by posting this that I won't get as discouraged, and stay on track. I can't afford the actual WW meetings at this time, so this is my accountability for now. Thanks.


Jamie said...

GREAT start on your weightloss! I am working on it too..although I really slacked this week and I know I gained some back..but thank goodness my body cant handle the "garbage" I have been eating and it has made me sick. I am working though on losing..I have 182 days till Jim comes home I sure would LOVE TO be a lot smaller

Heather said...

Great Job!!! A pedicure is a good little pampering reward!! I have 20 pounds of baby weight to lose...*sigh* I am not looking forward to it either. I will be praying for you!!