Thursday, April 13, 2006

prayer need

Another prayer thought for you, if you would help me pray about this matter also. I received a letter last week from a friend from my former faith family. Her and I were the best of friends. We got married together, had our babies at the same time, and so on. We were the kind of friends that could go months without talking and still be as close as ever. Now, her letter was by no means "ugly". She voiced her concern about our decision. She is concerned that we are attending a "non-denominational" church, and so on. Really it was not a bad letter. However, I feel I need to give her an explanation of what has transpired in our lives. I have started a letter, which in turn has turned into a "testimony" letter. I am not completed with it, I want it to be right, and I do not want to point fingers or be confrontational at all. I am in the processing of finishing it, and then I will mail it. I so much want all my friends to see what has been revealed to me. This letter has been a great tool for me, it has MADE me put into words that things that God has revealed to me. Please help me pray that this will bring honor and glory to Christ, and that it will be received by my friend. I so appreciate your prayers. Thank you.


Heather said...

I sure will be praying! How wonderful that the Lord has helped you be bold in your testimony.
in His love,

A Bishops Wife said...

I will pray about this. You have awonderful Testimony and show the joy in the Lord when you write. I believe God can help you write just the right words.