What a wonderful weekend we had.
Rob's sister and her family came for a short visit. They called on Thursday evening and said that Brent had to take a piece of equipment to Fort Wayne (about 1.5 hours from here) and wondered if they could just continue on for a quick visit. It was nice. I was off this weekend, we sure enjoyed our time with family. Their little boy is so stinking funny. He is almost 3 and he is a hoot to be with. He loved playing with the boys, and when it was time to go he said, "I don't want to leave the boys". Right before he left he found out box of stickers, and wanted some, so I gave a small sheet of stickers, which he promply put on his face. He had smiley faces and stars all over his face. One fell off and you'd thought it was the end of the world. Of course i couldn't find my camera for any pictures.
My 2 little are still in their new members class for church. 2 more weeks of that on Sunday afternoons. We will be glad when it is over, not because they are not learning or anything like that, it is just that we travel so far to church, that it makes for a long day. We miss just chilling out with the boys on Sunday afternoon/evening.
We did some house rearranging this weekend. When it is finished I'll post some details and pictures.
I need to also take some picutres of Austin and his creative play. He loves to build things out of cardboard boxes, and anything else he may find to use. Nothing is trash to him. He built a hotel, complete with elevator, and door bell for a dog that he has. He built a play ground, complete with slide, teeter totter, and I can't remember what else for his dog also. Pictures to follow--when the camera batteries are recharged.
I have a story running through my head that I want to share, however, I need to listen to the sermon again, so as to not misquote the illustration. It was so wonderful. I don't want to loose the great depth of it.
It was such helpful illustration. It reminds me of the first time I hear John Piper talk of Abraham and Sarah, and how when they were old--well beyond childbearing years, God gave them a child. Out of the deadness, came a child. It only came from God, nothing they did, just plain and simple God. It is how we are made new. It is all God, we are spiritually dead, and he does the "waking" up, nothing we do can make us alive spiritually. It is all God and all for his glory.
Okay, I must go and check on the 2 younger ones, they are being awfully quiet. What in the world could be happening.