Sunday, March 05, 2006

Messy Room

This is before. Zach about flipped out when he saw me get the camera out for this picture. He didn't want anyone to see his messy room, but I had to post this, and the next one if after.

I figured they all had to pitch in tonight. We (I) will have a busy week. This week is visitors week at school (just in time for the book fair). Monday is 1st grade, that is Zach, Tuesday I work, Wednesday is 3rd grade, that is Austin, Thursday I work, and then Friday Jordan is going on a field trip---which he wants me to go with him on. So, pretty much that is the week.
Then to top it off, Zach wants to be in wrestling. That is Tues & Thurs evening. I may even try to get a couple of our young ladies, that have started attending the same church that we are at, to a youth Bible study. I'm trying to get them involved. We'll see if I manage that one this week, or I may wait until next week. Posted by Picasa

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